SAFENTRIX-Ads enables organizations to create Email advertisement campaigns for their Product/Service and display them to users globally.

Users who get to see the advertisement are

  • Educated,
  • Email savvy,
  • Employees (or) Students, and
  • SAFENTRIX Users.

The advertisement is appended as a Signature to emails received/sent by SAFENTRIX users, and are limited to one line and a link (URL). The line can have a maximum of 80 characters.

SAFENTRIX-Ads portal includes graphical reporting that gives a bird's eye view of advertisement performance. Pricing for the advertisements start at USD 1.25 per 1000 Advertisements. Multiple campaigns can be run for maximum effectiveness and their performances compared, to determine those that get the best results.

Campaigns can be activated in a simple 3 step process

  • Register for a free account
  • Login, Create advertisements and submit for approval
  • Once approved, add Funds to the account and start the campaign